Teeth shall flash & blood shall flow. And growls shall be heard through out all of EVONY . And all enemies shall know & fear the name " SINNER'S " & " PITBULL " !!!!!
( Growl softly & bite hard )

Thursday, April 14, 2011

I would like to extend a thank you once again for taking the interest & time for visiting " PITBULL'S CORNER ". I hope that you find it not only interesting but helpful at the same time.So once again " THANK YOU ", So pull up a nice comfortable chair & stay awhile.Enjoy yourself with all the information & tips that pitbull has to offer.I would also once again like to thank " POWER JOKER " and also  " TRIPPY " for the information and tips that they passed along to me,furthering my education for not only myself but hopefully you too.